Quote from
Pietro on June 3, 2021, 4:49 pm
Hi Steve Daniele
Good day! Yes we saw this with some latest engines the fact is that else if we send a standard UCi command they do not reply with that standard response so the software is not able to interpreter and it's kind of stuck in between waiting a response so blinking the leds response which does not arrive at least in the right format and the strange thing is that does not even crash which is quite weird. I suspect that it's something due to the compilation of some specific engine on Arm Pi processor which we are missing at least on that platform. We tried to recompile but we still got similar problem wih some esleif compilation goes through ok.
Anyhow we will keep trying it would be good if we can get a list of the one not proprely working. Steve i think your the problem you have is with the mess emulator rather than standard UCI i received you email i will revert on that i may need to log remotely to check also.
All the best
Daniele always our pleasure to have you in our crazy lab 🙂
Hi Steve Daniele
Good day! Yes we saw this with some latest engines the fact is that else if we send a standard UCi command they do not reply with that standard response so the software is not able to interpreter and it's kind of stuck in between waiting a response so blinking the leds response which does not arrive at least in the right format and the strange thing is that does not even crash which is quite weird. I suspect that it's something due to the compilation of some specific engine on Arm Pi processor which we are missing at least on that platform. We tried to recompile but we still got similar problem wih some esleif compilation goes through ok.
Anyhow we will keep trying it would be good if we can get a list of the one not proprely working. Steve i think your the problem you have is with the mess emulator rather than standard UCI i received you email i will revert on that i may need to log remotely to check also.
All the best
Daniele always our pleasure to have you in our crazy lab 🙂