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Will my board ever work?

I've had a Nicole Brown, Da Vinci Extreme, and Bluetooth Module since October 2021 and I have NEVER been able to get anything to work.

I am trying once again. I don't even care about getting the Da Vinci to work because the screen has become almost wholly illegible (not to mention the continued problem that when touching the screen the system acts as if the screen is flipped or something, so I can't navigate or do anything on it properly anyway).

So, let's forget that useless piece of hardware for now. It seems that I should be able to connect to lichess (let's forget chess.com for the moment too) using the Certabo and the Bluetooth module along with either my Macbook Pro (running Sonoma 14.5 on Intel), or my iPhone, or my Android tablet.

Can ANYONE help make this happen, so my Certabo stops being a very expensive decoration?

I thought I was making some progress when I started: I connected the BT Module to board and power and the four center LEDs came up for pairing. I was able to pair using the ChessConnect extension, but when I tried learning the pieces, it said "17 pieces" were learned and a random assortment of lights appeared on the board.

I cannot connect from other devices and the center blue lights no longer come on for pairing.

I have to admit I am incredibly frustrated. I am comfortable flashing the bluetooth module sd card or whatever needs to be done, but I am now remembering why I finally gave up when I first got the unit, when nothing worked at all and I was still trying to use the dud of a Raspberry Pi.

HI there, that is really a pity and the frustration completely understandable. IMO Certabo produces nice boards and in general great after sales customers services. But when you can not get things to work your experience is of course one of complete disappointment.

I have no direct solutions, nor do I have any experience with the Davinci module or MacBook (a linux user at home now for 15-20 years).

You might split things up and start by trying getting things to work with an USB connection first, so that you at least have the experience of being able to play on lichess with your eboard. Afterwards then follow-up with the Bluetooth project as part two?

I am also not sure whether it makes a difference using the "old" BT module that was available or the recently added "new" version. Perhaps Pietro can tell?

In general you should be able to get things working on lichess (via a board API) via either:
1. the original software that comes with Certabo (which can also be sued to play offline against engines)


2. this ChessConenct Chrome browser extension.

Have you' ha more luck with the software from Certabo's website itself? Or same problems?

That only 17 pieces were recognized via option 2 (from our description you seemed well underway indeed) is really weird*.
It is highly unlikely since we are not talking about 2 or 3 missing pieces but half of them, but sometimes it comes quite close regarding placing the pieces exact in the middle of the squares upon calibration and start of a game. I have had problems when I e.g. had just a simple knight placed slightly eccentric (which I was not aware) of.

*When you test the Certabo software first (also to play offline), you can first rule out whether the pieces and squares  themselves (and their chips) are working as they should.

Personally I have a Lucia Brown Certabo as well as a Tabutronic board (I am more enthusiastic about the Certabo though) and both have been able to get them working on lichess.org via my linux laptop *USB as well as new BT module). However for each new game you have to start up and sometimes forst calibrate (Certabo software) again it seems, i.e. I have not been able, once connected, to play several games after each other.
As far as the ChessConnect extension concerns they also add that every time a new page is loaded (so also when you start a new game on lichess) the connection most of the times gets lost or broken. I.e. once you already have started a game you quickly have to (re)connect again to sue the extension. This as opposed to when using the Certabo software, then  I felt you could just connect to lichess from that software and start a game without having to reconnect.

I hoep Pietro or others jump in and get you going.

Greetings from the Netherlands,






Quote from fncll on May 30, 2024, 12:59 am

I've had a Nicole Brown, Da Vinci Extreme, and Bluetooth Module since October 2021 and I have NEVER been able to get anything to work.

I am trying once again. I don't even care about getting the Da Vinci to work because the screen has become almost wholly illegible (not to mention the continued problem that when touching the screen the system acts as if the screen is flipped or something, so I can't navigate or do anything on it properly anyway).

So, let's forget that useless piece of hardware for now. It seems that I should be able to connect to lichess (let's forget chess.com for the moment too) using the Certabo and the Bluetooth module along with either my Macbook Pro (running Sonoma 14.5 on Intel), or my iPhone, or my Android tablet.

Can ANYONE help make this happen, so my Certabo stops being a very expensive decoration?

I thought I was making some progress when I started: I connected the BT Module to board and power and the four center LEDs came up for pairing. I was able to pair using the ChessConnect extension, but when I tried learning the pieces, it said "17 pieces" were learned and a random assortment of lights appeared on the board.

I cannot connect from other devices and the center blue lights no longer come on for pairing.

I have to admit I am incredibly frustrated. I am comfortable flashing the bluetooth module sd card or whatever needs to be done, but I am now remembering why I finally gave up when I first got the unit, when nothing worked at all and I was still trying to use the dud of a Raspberry Pi.

Hello Chris

I'm very sorry you feel frustated. But let me give some more information.

The former BT module we have is  based on classic BT protocol did not ever work with Apple devices Mac neither iphone this because Apple is not unfortunately allowing the connection with their devices. But the former module you have is supported by PC, Unix and Android.

The new chessconnect extension instead works on BT but different protocol via BT-BLE  (bluetooth low energy) so it is different protocol and works on all devices Mac, PC, Unix and Android. Unfortunately still not on IOS because Apple iphone and ipad  does not allow to pass any data from Bluetooth to web.  Anyhow for that purpouse we made a specific device which work with this new protocol BT-Ble. Anyhow it is possible to reflash the old units based on Raspberry Pizero to get the BLE connecttivity and it works with Mac and the image is available at this link.  https://www.certabo.com/wp-content/uploads/SOFTWARE/Release/BT/BLE_Certabo.zip  if you reflash the micro sd with that image you will still see the 4 leds and you shall be able to connect from Mac over BT.

Specifically for the Pi with 3,5" yes it is very small device and we know that sometime can be difficult to read or interface with it. That is the limit of the device which was made with the intent of being very portable but again very sorry you find not usable but anyhow there is possibility to use with a phone or tabled also Apple. To do this you can follow the instructions below and only thing you need is to hook the DaVinci and Iphone or Ipad to same wifi network to allow you to play on bigger display when you need or at least to launch the games.

Please hook DaVinci and iphone or ipad to your wifi and then install on iphone this app vnc viewer https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vnc-viewer-remote-desktop/id352019548 then follow instructions below


Click phon on daVinci (the exectute to allow the remote display)
Click myip and read the number (to show the DaVinci address)
Go to the app on the phone
Create a new connection on the ipad application, put the ip number on new connection on the phone followed by :1 save the connection
click connect and the DaVinci on your iphone and screen will be replicated there. After that you just need to click on phon anytime you want to use Ipad or Iphone
If you want to go back to DaVinci screen click on phoff the control is alternative on local screen or remote ipad screen so just switch between them clicking on phon to activate the ipad one and phoff to switch back to DaVinci display.
Anyhow not clear when you say that the screen is flipped ?? You mean flip of the board or you cannot control the touch? With the remote connection you should be able to check eventually.

I hope this helps and remain available.

All the best


Quote from Michiel on May 30, 2024, 2:33 pm

HI there, that is really a pity and the frustration completely understandable. IMO Certabo produces nice boards and in general great after sales customers services. But when you can not get things to work your experience is of course one of complete disappointment.

I have no direct solutions, nor do I have any experience with the Davinci module or MacBook (a linux user at home now for 15-20 years).

You might split things up and start by trying getting things to work with an USB connection first, so that you at least have the experience of being able to play on lichess with your eboard. Afterwards then follow-up with the Bluetooth project as part two?

I am also not sure whether it makes a difference using the "old" BT module that was available or the recently added "new" version. Perhaps Pietro can tell?

In general you should be able to get things working on lichess (via a board API) via either:
1. the original software that comes with Certabo (which can also be sued to play offline against engines)


2. this ChessConenct Chrome browser extension.

Have you' ha more luck with the software from Certabo's website itself? Or same problems?

That only 17 pieces were recognized via option 2 (from our description you seemed well underway indeed) is really weird*.
It is highly unlikely since we are not talking about 2 or 3 missing pieces but half of them, but sometimes it comes quite close regarding placing the pieces exact in the middle of the squares upon calibration and start of a game. I have had problems when I e.g. had just a simple knight placed slightly eccentric (which I was not aware) of.

*When you test the Certabo software first (also to play offline), you can first rule out whether the pieces and squares  themselves (and their chips) are working as they should.

Personally I have a Lucia Brown Certabo as well as a Tabutronic board (I am more enthusiastic about the Certabo though) and both have been able to get them working on lichess.org via my linux laptop *USB as well as new BT module). However for each new game you have to start up and sometimes forst calibrate (Certabo software) again it seems, i.e. I have not been able, once connected, to play several games after each other.
As far as the ChessConnect extension concerns they also add that every time a new page is loaded (so also when you start a new game on lichess) the connection most of the times gets lost or broken. I.e. once you already have started a game you quickly have to (re)connect again to sue the extension. This as opposed to when using the Certabo software, then  I felt you could just connect to lichess from that software and start a game without having to reconnect.

I hoep Pietro or others jump in and get you going.

Greetings from the Netherlands,






Hello Michiel

Many thanks for your help and support. Yes that Lichess thing is little bug we have but new release will fix it so no need to go in and out as we saw sometime starting a game immediately after the other the system does not clear completely the last position. For the chessconnect extension also this is a known bug when a page is changed a reconnection is required to be made manually. But this is already addressed and new release of chessconnect 3.4.11 which has been just launched has already implemented the autoreconnection so Michiel if you update you should get rid of this porblem too.

That is strange behaviour of partial recognition of pieces i have added the link to the image at last post let's see if can get it fixed reflashing another thing i was thinking was somehow not enough power to the device eventually Chris plase once you flashed the image can you make sure you can connect to 2.1A or 3A output port of power bank so the we are sure we get enough power?.


I just wanted to report back that Pietro's support has been above and beyond anything I could have expected, including---after much troubleshooting---sending me a new Bluetooth module gratis! And I am happy to report that using the Chessconnect extension I have been able to play on lichess and, I am sure, will be able to do so on chess.com

I can't speak highly enough of Pietro's patience and generosity!

I haven't address the pi computer issue. It appears that there is hardware problem with the display anyway, and it is not a priority at the moment.

I wanted to report back that, thanks to Pietro's outstanding support, including, after much troubleshooting, sending me a new Bluetooth module gratis, my board is up and running using Chrome and Chessconnect. I have played on lichess and will soon try it on chess.com.

I am not tackling the Pi problem right now...it's not a priority and I think it's a hardware issue anyway.

I can't speak highly enough of Pietro's support and generosity. I am so excited to be able to use this beautiful board 🙂